Everyone gets frustrated when they cannot find the match to a sock. Where did it go?
Most of us assume it's stuffed in the back of a drawer somewhere, or somehow made its way under the bed. We put the mismatched sock aside, thinking one day we'll find its mate, until one day we just give up and throw it away.

Well, I have some good and some bad news. My husband and I now have concrete evidence that socks do indeed go missing in the dryer. Yesterday I washed some new clothes, including brand new socks. I opened each package right at the washing machine.
Later, I transferred all items to the dryer. Everything was accounted for. My husband emptied the dryer and found that a brand new bright blue sock had NO MATCH. How could this be? The socks had not even been worn yet! They went RIGHT INTO THE MACHINE! We didn't even have a chance to lose it yet.

So, where do they go? Does the sock gremlin steal them? Is it a conspiracy between dryer and sock manufacturers? Either way at least we now have evidence that we're not all crazy. They really do go missing.