I did a search and the last time this was discussed was 2007. Time for a reboot. And a bit of a clarrification. I am sure that if you were old enough that trip, your memory would be of the parking lot or the trams or maybe the monorails. What I am asking is, durring that first day (or first trip if your memory is a bit fuzzy like mine), what is your first memory that really stands out.

For me im not really sure which happened first since we were in the parks for a week that trip. I was 10 (1982) and the two things that REALLY stick out in my head are getting an invisible dog from the Magic shop and hearing the music for the Main Street Electrical Parade for the first time. The fanfare that starts it out has really stuck with me over the years. I even use it as a ring tone for my Cell phone. And I had so much fun with that invisible dog. Im sure i looked stupid to everyone else but it was a blast.

I cant really remember if we did the MSEP the first night or if I got the invisible dog leash the first day, but thats what I always think of first.

Ok im done, lets hear yours.