My sister broke her heel this past summer and is coming with us to WDW in January. She is able to walk now, doesn't require her boot/cast anymore, but can only walk in very short spurts or else she gets excrutiating pain in her foot. So she is renting a small EVC to scoot around the parks in, and we're driving our own cars so we're not worried about transporting it back and forth to the parks. She will also have a cane with her for extra support when she's on her feet.
But my question is this:
We will be a group of 11 people, so a fairly large bunch. She can only be on her feet walking for very short periods of time, so if the lineup is more than 20+ minutes long, she can't stand in the queue.
So, what's the protocol for us?
I've been to Disney so many times but we've never needed to use the handicapped entrances to any of the rides, so I'm not sure how we do it!

1. Are there any rides that have no handicapped entrance at all, so she would have to stand in line with everyone else?
2. I know some rides, you enter through the exit doors with your scooter then transfer into the boat (like IASM I think?) -- can our entire group of 11 go with her through these special entrances?

Any other tips for me?