I'll update this first post each day with the forecast (though I'll occasionally miss Sundays), both long and short term. As a general rule, up to 7 days is a pretty accurate forecast, beyond that it's educated guessing and largely dependent upon how well the models are doing at that moment, which is why I call it "voodooland." If you have any specific weather questions or comments, even if it's for an area other than WDW, please post and I'll answer throughout the thread. I'll also post weather tidbits every so often. If you want to see the exact conditions for your travel dates over the last few years, go to our historic weather page in Info Central here. Without further delay, let's get to the forecast:

Weather at WDW - Updated Friday pm, September 30, 2011
The front slowed down slightly so the high hit 90 today, and might even climb to 91, but the front will arrive this afternoon with a slight chance of light showers. Tomorrow and Sunday will be noticeably cooler with a high 82-84 for tomorrow, and around 80 on Sunday. Monday will warm to 82-84, then 84-86 for Tuesday through Friday. Lows will be 62-64 for tomorrow and Sunday then 64-66 for Monday through Friday. No rain chance at all through Tuesday. Wednesday through Friday will see a slim chance of a pop up afternoon shower as humidity returns.

Long range...Oct 8-11 should be in the upper 80s with a slight chance of an afternoon shower. A cold front moves in on Oct 12 bringing a good chance of thunderstorms. Oct 13-16 looks dry with highs in the upper 70s to low 80s.

Travel Impact
At 1:15 pm CDT, Newark is delayed due to wind, but everyone else is clear and I don't see any big issues for tomorrow.

Any of you who are nervous about flying, especially related to turbulence, go here and here to learn a lot about turbulence. Those two articles should be very helpful in allowing you to understand turbulence and flight safety when it hits. Hopefully all of this will help you relax and enjoy the trip to WDW more!

Hurricane Ophelia is strengthening in the Atlantic today, and with 115 mph sustained winds, she is now the season’s third major (Category Three) hurricane. This will be no threat to the United States, but it could brush eastern Canada as it becomes extratropical early next week. Tropical Storm Philippe, on the other hand, it not expected to strengthen much over the next five days as he drifts westward. However, he keeps hanging around and might just survive the intense wind shear and that could make things interesting. This storm also appears to be no threat to the US, but early October may have some nearby activity. It’s too early to see any details, but the weather pattern turns very favorable for Caribbean or Gulf development over the next two weeks. That's what we'll really need to watch for in terms of something impacting WDW.

Click here to see WDW's 2011 Hurricane Policy.