The DD and I are taking my mother to Florida for a week in October and she has - albeit reluctantly - agreed to a quick stopover at WDW.

We will be arriving on Columbus Day - great planning right? - have a half day at a park and all day Tuesday to show her the magic that is a Disney Park.

She love animals so I am thinking AK for the half day on Monday. Tuesday really wow her with MK for most of the day and end with dinner at Epcot. She won't be riding any major rides but I think she will enjoy POTC, HM, HoP, Soarin, KS, FotLK, etc.

I just found out that MNSSHP will be on both nights we are there but I don't want to exhaust her or turn her off with too much Disney. If she enjoys it maybe a longer trip can be planned later which could include my Dad and DW.

So, whatcha think? (Two days at WDW is better than nothing this year!)