Primary Cast:
Me - 26 y/o dude, lost count of how many times I've been to WDW many years ago. 20 times would be a reasonable guess.
Mom - Indeterminate age. She too has been to WDW many times.
Dad - Slightly younger than dirt. He has been to WDW many times, but doesn't necessarily remember. (Dad: "Wow! The Boardwalk is nice! Do you have to be a member to stay here?" Mom: "...No. WE stayed here two trips ago! Don't you remember?" Dad: "Hmm?")

Extended Cast:
Aunt T
Uncle S
Cousin S
Cousin A

Day 3: The Search for Spock

The parents and I woke up early, and we drove over to the Wilderness Lodge for breakfast at Whispering Canyon. We had eaten there once before for lunch, so we knew the wait staff had a "shtick" before going in. And for breakfast our waiter was a delightful guy. HOWEVER, the waitress at the table next to us was horribly grating, constantly shrieking, and singing "Benny and the Jets" (yes, really.) She really ruined breakfast for me. I'm not a morning person to begin with, and waking up to shrieking, cackling, and the butchering of an Elton John classic does not sit well with me.

After breakfast, we took the launch over to MK and finished up whatever we had left to do in the park, which actually wasn't much. We did the Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor, which is one of my mom's favorite attractions. It's always a funny show. They didn't use one of my jokes this time, though. We did Buzz again and then the Peoplemover. Then we went through Fantasyland one more time, and we got our traditional lemonade slushes from the Enchanted Grove by the teacups.

Lunch was at Tony's. This was the afternoon when we first started hearing about how serious Hurricane Irene could be. My Aunt had said that she extended her stay an extra night, and we started thinking about doing the same. This was ALSO the day when the earthquake hit the northeast, so I spent lunch on my phone reading about the earthquake and the hurricane. Also, the lady at the table next to us fell off her chair. She was okay. A cast member knocked her off the chair, but then had the nerve to say "Oh, sometimes these chairs just give out." No, the chair was fine, you just walked by too fast and bumped her out of it!

We left Tony's, and just as I left the park a voice in my head told me to check my wallet for my room key/park ticket. Well, sure enough, I didn't have it. My dad went back to Tony's to look for it. They couldn't find it, so my dad went to Town Hall and got me a new one. Of course, that was rendered moot that afternoon anyway because we ended up extending our stay by one night and we all had to get new keys anyway.

We napped in the room in the afternoon, then went to Epcot in the evening. Dinner was at 8 at Restaurant Marrakesh in Morocco. We were kind of disappointed in the restaurant. I like the food a lot, but my parents aren't big fans. Also, this seemed to be the most chaotic restaurant in all of WDW. There's no room inside for people to wait for their tables - which was a big problem since it had been raining all afternoon and people were trying to crowd inside. But I enjoyed the food, and continued my Drink Around the World adventure by having a Casablanca Beer with dinner. It was good, but nothing special.

After dinner we continued around the World Showcase for Extra Magic Hours. I did Maelstrom and Gran Fiesta Tour with my parents, and then dad and I did Test Track. Miraculously the ride did not so much as even pause, let alone totally break down! Astounding! On the way out, we did Spaceship Earth. I always liked Spaceship Earth. I still like Spaceship Earth. I have nothing but respect for Dame Judi Dench, and I think she does a good job narrating the ride...however, I think Jeremy Irons did a much better job. And, of course, Walter Cronkite did the best job.

We drove back to ASMo, and decided that there was no way we were going to wake up early for breakfast. I agreed, but I said I was still going to get up for the early EMH at AK. And that is precisely what I did