During my last visit in June we visited Disney World with our family and another. I had really talked up one of my favorite attractions, The Haunted Mansion . When we got to the cue outside the line was moving very fast. We elected to do the 'scenic route' through the grave yard. The line was flowing behind us as we enjoyed some of the activities and sights on the new cue line path. When we get into the lobby they had multiple 'stretching' rooms open with the doors open while they did that part of the attraction which is also part of the attraction. The doors were open on both sides which dramatically changed this part of the attraction. Next we were pushed into the corral/funnel loading cue. The area was so packed nobody could exit the 'stretching' room for some time. The areas all were hot and stuffy since the doors were not being closed to keep the AC in. Considering the situation the crowd behaved very well. Then we boarded our 'Doom Buggies' to enjoy the main ride.

On my early visits to the Haunted Mansion, you would wait outside, Host or Hostess would say something spooky and invite a certain comfortable number into the parlor and shut the door. You then stayed there until the painting changed from a fleshed out person to a skeleton.
Next a Host or Hostess invited you into a 'stretching' room and usually said something spooky making a show of getting everyone into the room. The 'Ghost Host' would talk the walls stretched then the lights went out with thunder ,lightning and a scream! Then the door would open, your Host or Hostess said something spooky and you had a short,comfortable wait to board a 'Doom Buggy'.
I would prefer to wait outside in the covered waiting line with the new graveyard cue area to see and enjoy where, although it was hot you could breathe and weren't pressed up against another person who hopefully had good hygiene.
Why would Disney World Imagineers design an attraction with themed enhancements which put the Haunted Mansion above and beyond any haunted house ride in the world and then not use them?