When i was a kid (in the eighties), you could effectively pool-hop. It wasn't advertised or encouraged, but there wasn't anything stopping you from using the pool at another hotel. I understand that these days you are not 'supposed' to do this, but is pool use strictly enforced. The reason i ask is that given my kids ages (3.5, 1.5 yrs), CR and BLT pools/playgrounds would be best for them, but there is little to no inventory at those hotels the week we can go (last minute trip this nov), so we are planning on staying at the GF or poly. we won't be using the pool that much anyway, but i am wondering if you can use other hotel pools..or is it a keycard entrance or is there some other way they restrict usage.

understanding that no one wants to advise me to break the rules..but just wondering about your 'opinion.'
