Quote Originally Posted by lovewalt View Post
If those two can't handle the "stress" of not being picked to eat sushi with Jordan,how are they going to handle the REAL problems that can occur in everyday life? A little more growing up needs to happen before they try to walk down that aisle!
I know, if that unimportant thing "stressed" them out, how are they going to handle the stress of marriage?!

Quote Originally Posted by TheDuckRocks View Post
My favorite thing about the whole stupid argument was when she was boohooing about how he was ruining her little girl dreams of her wedding! Not one single word about loving him and being concerned that marriage itself might be a challenge for them.

Quote Originally Posted by laprana View Post
Looks like Jeff and Jordan might be in trouble this week, even though Adam and Dominic are nominated. I have a feeling Rachel might backdoor J&J and they won't have a chance to fight for the veto to save themselves. We'll see...
I thought the same thing, Rachel and Brendon are slimy enough to backdoor Jordan or Jeff. Jordan should have put them up when she had the chance.

Sunday's episode was such a snooze fest! Really, David Hasselhoff was the biggest 'celebrity' CBS could get to come on the show