It'll be interesting to see how this all plays out, with all the different scenarios mentioned so far...

...but I for one am glad to see Disney finally implement something. I'm sure they've lost a TON of money on people cheating the system, and it irks me to no end when people just deliberately ignore the rules, pretending they don't apply to them. I've seen so many people filling old mugs, non-Disney mugs or holding 4 or 5 and filling them all (not new ones...) & then acting like it's just fine, like they're owed free refills or just free drinks, period. If the sign said "Free Refills", it'd be fine, but the directions are SO clear, and the fact that so many people just don't care is sad.

So, I don't blame Disney at all for trying to fix this... hopefully, it will help, although I doubt we'll ever see the "savings" passed back our way... But, at least the aggrevation of watching it happen all the time will be gone!!