Here's a link to Part 1. You can also find the (extensive) list of my family members that were also part of the trip...

Our first official day in the park dawned bright and sunny – not that we would know, we slept until 9am! After a quick breakfast in the villa (very convenient), we hopped on a bus to MK. The busses at OKW were AMAZING! I liked being at Miller’s road, we were the 2nd to last stop before leaving the resort, so it was great for heading to the parks. You would think since we were near the end that the busses would be full, but we NEVER had to stand! Even after fireworks! Loved it. Anyways, we got to MK and it was PACKED! I knew it was going to be this way, so we were fairly prepared. We met up with my sister’s family and took on Jungle Cruise (with a 20 minute wait). The kids then rode the Flying carpets and at that point we thought we’d do POTC. There was a “25” minute wait, but the line extended into the area outside the main queue. NO way were we going to chance that it was really 45 minutes (happens all the time – both less and more wait time). So my sister’s family went off to use their Fast passes for Peter Pan and we had lunch at the Tortuga Tavern. Not too shabby, the burrito was large and a nice change from a burger and fries. They had quesadillas for the kids which also was a nice change of pace.

After lunch it was time to see if DD1 was really ready for roller coasters! My DP was the fast pass runner for the whole trip and we already had FP’s for BTMRR and Splash. So to BTMRR we went. DD1 as psyched! She had been checking herself against “the line” on the wall at home for months, to see if she would be tall enough. She was spot on 40in without shoes, so she had no trouble… On the ride she sat between my DH and me. As soon as we went down the first curve she started moaning. She did not like it. So I held her tight and the ride was soon over. She said she didn’t like how bumpy it was. We told her she didn’t have to ride if she didn’t want to ever again. And then she shocked us by saying – I want to do it again right now! So this time I waited with DD2 and DD1 went on with my DH and my younger sister. I think after that ride she really had enough.

My DH waited with the girls while the rest of us went on Splash. Good times. DD1 had no desire to do “the big slide” after her 2 runs on BTMRR. We hopped over to IASW and waited 20 minutes (totally packed)! DD2 (and 1) LOVED it! I knew she would, what 18 month old can resist those Dolls and that song, besides I play the music in the car all the time. DD2 was totally trying to sing along. It was so adorable. We had to rush out of the park after that to beat the 3pm parade.

The girls napped, we lounged, and then it was time to go to Epcot for an ADR at GG. It was ok, the food was fine, nothing special, but it seemed very cramped. Perhaps that was due to the table being turned sideways to accommodate all 11 of us. The character interaction was good, though. The kids loved the characters! Even DD2… After dinner we hit up Nemo and Crush. DN1 got to ask a question, but basically told crush about his backyard… so cute! DD2 kept trying to sit with the big kids, and she was really adorable, too. At this point we called it a night.

After the kids were asleep my DS, DBIL, DH and I headed over to MK where they had EMH until 3 am. It was so nice to be in a villa, where my folks could “watch” the kids after they went to sleep. This is especially nice for my DH and me, since we live 1500 miles away from my parents and never get “free” babysitting! We actually stayed until about 2:30 and by that point I was so exhausted. We planned to get up at 7am the next day….