This morning I received an email from DD with no message. I went on the web and found the following:
Dear Guest,
We have been informed by one of our email service providers, Epsilon, that your email address was exposed by an unauthorized entry into that provider’s computer system. We use our email service providers to help us manage the large number of email communications with our guests. Our email service providers send emails on our behalf to guests who have chosen to receive email communications from us.
We regret that this incident has occurred and any inconvenience this incident may cause you. We take your privacy very seriously, and we will continue to work diligently to protect your personal information.
We want to assure you that your email address was the only personal information we have regarding you that was compromised in this incident.
As a result of this incident, it is possible that you may receive spam email messages, emails that contain links containing computer viruses or other types of computer malware, or emails that seek to deceive you into providing personal or credit card information. As a result, you should be extremely cautious before opening links or attachments from unknown third parties or providing a credit card number or other sensitive information in response to any email.
If you have any questions regarding this incident, please contact us at (407) 560-2547 during the hours of 9:00 am to 7:00 pm (Eastern Time) Monday through Friday, and 9:00 am through 5:00 pm (Eastern Time) Saturday and Sunday.
Disney Destinations

Did anyone else get this email?