Hi all,

Not sure if this is the right spot to add my post but its come up in planning for our next WDW trip, now just over a couple months away. Im looking to replace our 2-3 year old Cannon Hi-8 camcorder with one that captures HD. So far I have a couple of models in mind which are the:

Sony Bloggie Touch 8GB, and
Kodak zi8 (Black)

Im looking to see if anyone has used either of these two cameras in the parks at WDW and how they held up, the video quality they produced and so on. I know that the pocket camcorder models do not shoot well in lower light settings and that the auto focus is sluggish at times. The majority of the time we will use the camcorder will be during daylight hours so light will not be as much an issue. Thanks in advance for any info you can share.