I agree I think that a Cars overlay of the speedway would make some sense, but the speedway in itself is in an odd spot theme-wise. It is sandwiched inbetween FL and TL. Right now they tie it into TL (TL Speedway) but the theming of it other than the name does not fit with the futuristic theme of TL. I think they need to either retheme it to fit into the TL theme (psuedo-futuristic cars?) or replace with something else entirely. You know what would be a really neat replacement, Aquatopia from TDS. Plus if they ever retheme TL to fit the Jules-vernes esque look like DLP and TDS, then it would be a perfect fit.

That being said, I just don't think Pixar stuff makes sense in FL. FL from a theme standpoint is based on the classic disney fantasy tales of Snow White, Cinderella, etc. Plus w/ the Pixar area at DHS, it would be the odd-man out in FL.

I know there was a rumor a while back of something possibly in the works for Frontier Land to be geared towards boys to balance out the stuff in FL. Not sure what though or where they would find room for it or if that was ever any more than just a wild rumor.