I would like to relive my first trip to WDW. I was 16 and I was allowed to roam the park on my own (with a set time to meet back up). I was even given $10 for snacks. I met this girl in the line on SM and she was on her own too. We had a blast even though she was so out of my league.We spent the day running from ride to ride. I felt so proud when she took my hand and we walked together. Back then there were no cell phones or e-mail and texting was not invented yet. We both knew our parents would not let us run up long distance phone bills, so at the end of the day we just said good-bye.

that's a great story. mine is similar, but i was much older. it was a couple years ago, i was there w/ my bestfriend, and sister.
on the last day it was raining and cold, and we only had half a day anyway. my sis and friend stayed at the hotel, but i decided to go, even just a few hours. On the bus was a girl who was my age, with her daugher on her lap. we started talkign and it seemed that she was there w/ her parents and daughter. she had recently gotten a divorce, and her dad was so thrilled he said he was taking the family to disneyworld, so they held him to it. as we got off the bus she and i went on our own w/ her daughter and the park was empty so we ran all over from ride to ride. exchanged numbers. we've never lost touch, had numerous visits over the years. have become very close friends, maybe more....and we're going ot meet again at Disney, just us, this January.