Today we slept in. We all needed it. Rick made a nice pancake and sausage breakfast. The kids went to the Community Room for games and crafts while the adults stayed back to plan the day and check on things at home. We headed out to DTD. We purchased and traded pins and Noah DS3 got a Stitch hat and hands. We stoped at RCFD to purchase a fire company t-shirt. Michael DFS2 is a junior firefighter and collect t- shirts form fire companies around the country. The crew was on a run so we would stop back later in the week. headed to the Boardwalk to swim and cool off. Since we are DVC members we are allowed and hope this perk will never go away. We all loved the slide. Made a stop at the bakery and the ESPN Zone. The boys got a hat, and we headed to Epcot via boat. We explored the countries. At this point I was hungry and hot. needed to eat. We got some turkey legs and drinks, a brautworst and quick service Chinese food and stopped at the Margarita bar. Rick and I got our brain freeze headaches quickly downing the drinks before we could ride in Mexico. The fireworks were awesome. Afterwords we headed totest track, then the wives headed to Soarin while the rest did Mission Space and Capt. Eo, then all met to ride Spaceship earth and headed back to room. Arrived to room @ 1am and found another surprise; @ plates of dates, fruits, and cheese to snack on from the front desk. We sampled and hit the sack. Up next sleep in or EMH AK?