December 27 - January 8 Trip Report, I know what you are most likely thinking... "What a crowded time to visit Disney World" Well, to tell the truth... i believe it was one of my best trips. I summarize the main topics the best i can.

First, I will address the the crowds. ( I guarantee that this will suprise you if you havn't been there around new years) Up to 2 Days after new years, crowds were... bad. BUT, after the 2nd of january everbody left. IM NOT KIDDING, CROWDS DIED DOWN SOOOOOO FAST. It was amazing. So for my trip... overall crowds were extremely tolerable.

Second, I will address target audiences. If you have young kids, they will most likely appreciate the osborne light show in MGM. It is a must see. Also for the teens New Years at 12:00 in MGM was amazing. SO MANY PEOPLE TO SOCIALIZE WITH. and a DJ playing the most popular songs of the modern age. I would suggest New Years Eve to be spent in MGM. The rest of the parks for the rest of the trip is pretty similar. The Christmas trees are a instant Kodak moment.

Third, Staff, HAPPY AS ALWAYS. 'nough said

Please if i missed anything DO include it in the comments