Yeah Charlie and Claire made me cry too
Did anyone watch Jimmy Kimmel afterwards?
Matthew Fox seemed all choked up when he came out. That made me sad too....a big part of their lives just ended. It has to be bittersweet for them all.

But I loved every minute of it. I was wondering why Walt and Michael weren't in the church at the end and then when I saw Jimmy Kimmel it was funny how he made fun of the fact Walt would be so much bigger etc....I didn't even think of that in the final church scene.... But yeah that would have been funny if you were still growing after you had died.....that would have confused the heck out of everyone LOL

I also think that is why Walt didn't stay long on the island the same reason for the babies being a big deal on the island. Children are innocent and without sins. (according to some religions) Therefore they have no conflict with death nor do they have conflict with people or within themselves...... They are innocent......They didn't have all the conflict, struggles, etc that Jack and the rest of the adults had.

It was a well written show. And the cast was amazing. I will miss it!!!!