I haven't been to Disney land/world that many times...once to Disneyland and 3 times to Disneyworld. I went to Disneyland as a very young child but I do have vivid memories. The first time i went to Disneyworld was as a chaperone for our high school band trip. I absolutely fell in love with Disneyworld on that trip and took tons of pictures. I remember thinking that some way somehow I HAD to get my husband to bring me back down there...but I also knew that when he saw those pictures he would put his foot down and refuse to go....he really hates crowds and those pictures were taken 2 or 3 days before New Years day probably one of the most crowded times of the year. He didn't even notice the crowds in the pictures. Finally when we had made plans to visit our daughter in Georgia I went ahead and discussed making a quick 2 day trip down there since we were so close. I was shocked when he agreed. Then about a month before we were to leave I got a bonus at work.....AND they came out with a Free Dining Plan promotion....and that meant we could extend our trip. My DH wasn't happy but went along with it since I was using my bonus money for the trip. We ended up staying 4 or 5 nights. Wow was he surprised when he discovered that transportation to all the parks was provided....and the dining plan meant we didn't have to pay anything out of pocket because even the tip was included back then and he really liked the rides too as well as all the landscapng. At the end of our stay he realized he had actually enjoyed himself and especially the fact that our car never even moved except for the day we went to seaworld. So of course when I started talking about going to Disneyworld for our 30th anniversary he went right along with it. Two weeks ago we returned from a 9 night/10 day anniversary trip to Disneyworld. Although he won't admit it I think he has fallen in love with Disneyworld too....especially the flower and garden festival and all the character interaction. Now he talks to everyone about how great Disneyworld is and has also started talking about "the next time we go"....which unfortunately won''t be any time soon as we have a several big trips planned over the next few years....but it IS nice that he is talking about it at least! For me it is just about EVERYTHING that makes me love it so much. My husband loves that it is hassel free.