We have a 4-year-old Siamese male cat named Ferris (after Ferris Bueller) and normally every day while I am at school or work he will sleep in my room. Well last night before I went out for Valentine's Day he meowed at the door and I let him in to sleep for the three hours I was gone.

When I got home I smelled an overwhelming smell of cat urine only to find that he peed on the entire end half of my bed. It soaked through my blanket, comforter, sheets and even my matress. The urine was on the floor, furniture and the matress was soaked, we had to throw it out and buy a new one today. My mom seems to think we can salvage the comforter by just washing it (we already let the spots with urine soak in vinegar over night).

Should we just toss it? If not (because I really don't want to waste more money, the matress cost enough as it is ) what should we use to clean it before I use it again?

Any suggestions would be great.

(I also just want to say that the cat is fine, someone had shut the door after I left for the night and he obviously had to pee really bad so he is not sick or anything so don't worry.)