On Saturday, Tyler (my 10 11/12 year old son) was playing football with some friends while at his league's Super Bowl. They were not in the game just hanging out. He was tackled and went down on his left hand. I picked him up and took him to the ER and found out it was broken. He actually did really well considering what a drama queen he usually is. And he was oddly enough looking forward to gettin ghis Titan Purple cast yesterday afternoon. Instead, he got some bad news. The fracture of his wrist is at the growth plate (which the ER doc failed to think was important enough to mention apparently!) and the radius is displaced. He is now scheduled for surgery to put some pins in tomorrow morning. He cried the whole way home. I cannot imagine how he is feeling right now having to sit at home all day today thinking about something he knows nothing about to know what to really expect! Gosh, I wish I could take this from him right now so he would not have to deal with it...

So just please keep him in your thoughts...