Since Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching, and we'll all be too busy next week to ponder such things, I thought I'd pose this question now:

What is the one thing in the WDW Theme Parks are you most thankful for? It could be a ride or show, a particular restaurant or food item, a parade, a character, or anything else, really, that you just want to say "Thank you, WDW, for fulfilling this for me." The more specific the better!

I'll start by saying "Thank You WDW" for World Showcase, which expanding my culinary horizons (and possibly my waistline-lol) by introducing me to such wonderful foods such as mole poblano, lefke bread, and spicy couscous, none of which I had ever heard, let alone eaten. I'm also a much less picky eater and I'm more willing to try new things. I also like to cook as I seek out more recipes that harken back to WDW meals- and themes!

Okay, now what have you got?