Quote Originally Posted by BMan62 View Post
OK, with all the grousing and grumbling about this increase, I have one question....

If you cannot afford $32 (plus tax) more per person (actually less - $2 plus tax for PH, $2 plus tax for WPF, and if you used the $4 one day increase for each day of a 7 day ticket - $28 plus tax for the MYW ticket) for 7 days in WDW, you probably couldn't afford it in the first place, so why complain?

Flame me all you want, but this increase, although seemingly at a bad economic time, is minor and to be expected/planned for year on year. Guaranteed your travel expenses - gas/airfare - will increase much more than this.
Well ... I'm not really sure I agree with your first assumption ... I mean, everyone has a breaking point where the budget just can't stretch anymore ...

In regards to your second point, you can't just look at it in terms of the increase between last year and this year. I don't think most people are grumbling about that (although some are, I suppose). Read my and John's posts about the increase over the last 10 years or so. The rate of increase on Disney's tickets has outpaced the rate of simple inflation by about 4 to 1.

That's pretty significant. By contrast, I can buy airline tickets for about the same price (if not less) as I could ten years ago.