On Saturday, our fifth day in Paris, we went first to Disney Studios.

It was raining lightly, spitting mostly, but we didn't let it get us down.

Hollywood Studios is pretty much like MGM Studios, but much smaller. It opened in 2001, nine years after the first park.

Our first ride was Rockin' Roller Coaster.



Yes, it's true. They blatantly smoke in the lines when it's CLEARLY posted everywhere that it isn't allowed.

It's disgusting, for one thing, and the cast members do nothing to stop it. To be fair, I did see one cast member tell someone not to be smoking, and they put out their fag. But that was only once. :/

It's the same as in MGM, although there is no story... the part where you enter the recording studio and see the bad going to their show is cut, and you only see the band fiddling with a model of the ride.

The Ride itself is the same, except with no signs flying past you. It's pretty much dark.

Our next ride was Crush's coaster.

The carts are a big turtle shell with two seats, side-by-side and back-to-back with two other seats. Each "shell" holds four people.

The coaster goes very fast, and you literally "fly". It's a long wait time, too. It's one of the more popular rides, and ride times were 100 minutes when we were there.

IN the Hollywood studios, they have a stunt spectacular thingy on how the special effects of the movie Armageddon are done. It's short and very cheesy, and not worth the time, but we did it anyway because we didn't know. :/

Anyway, we were a bit tired so we stopped to watch the stage show "Animagique," which we thought - incorrectly - would be something neat to see.

Instead, it's a collection of Disney obscure characters prancing around shouting "Animagique!" for 30 minutes. There was Baloo, Louie, Flounder, Donald and Mickey on stage. what a group!

Talk about characters! If you want to see your favorite characters, Paris is the place to go! They have all the obscure characters you don't find in the USA. I saw The Mute guy from Pinocchio. Gepetto. Flounder, King Louie, Prince John, Sir Hiss, Kaa, Baghera, Bernard, Cody (!), Uncle Scrooge, and of all characters, CLARA COWBELL! (Didn't she vanish in the 30's???) and several others.


I must say that I was as happy as ever in DLP because I've found more Chip and Dale Merch there than at either park in the US. I was able to grab SEVEN plushes and seven or eight kitchen utensils with them on them. wooot!

Nevertheless, we pressed on.

We were going to see the Lights motors action show. but since we had already seen it in Florida, we decided not to waste time and see it again.

The Tower of Terror is a new attraction at the park having recently opened.

It's the same as in DL, as it just goes up and down. It isn't random like in WDW.

Nevertheless, it was as fun as always, and we had a screamer on board with us this time!

Unfortunately, she sat next to me. Fortunately, she grabbed me tightly!

As I said, the park is small, and we were done by noon. So we left for Disneyland again.

We took to our favorite rides: The Phantom Manor, Pirates, Space Mountain, Buzz Lightyear and Big Thunder.

It was raining heavier than before, but we still braved the rain.

We toured Sleeping Beauty Castle, and shopped. A lot.

We even met some fellow Canadians, too!

We grabbed a quick snack, and went on one more trip about the SS Pirates of the Caribbean, and then, as the skys opened up and let loose a torrential flood, we decided to head for home as there was no point in staying in the rain.

So that concluded our last full day in Paris.