Kids 3–9
stay, play and dine
for FREE
Purchase one of these 4-Night/5-Day vacation packages that include room, Theme Park tickets & Disney Dining Plan and a child 3–9 can stay, get a 5-Day Theme Park ticket and the Disney Dining Plan FREE!

$ 635 * per adult, based on adult double occupancy in a standard room at a select Disney Value Resort.
For stays most Sun.–Thurs. nights 5/3/09–5/21/09.

$ 658 * per adult, based on adult double occupancy in a standard room at a select Disney Value Resort.
For stays most Sun.–Thurs. nights 5/22/09–6/7/09 and 6/24/09–8/8/09.

*The number of rooms allocated for this offer is limited. Child must stay in same room as adult. One Park per day. Tickets must be used within 14 days of first use. No group rates or other discounts apply. Advance reservations required. Offer is nontransferable. Maximum four Guests per room. Children 3-9 must order from the children's menu where available.