I was thinking the other day of places I'd really like to visit in my life, kinda like a vaction bucket list. These are some I came up with:

1. World War II sites in Europe likeNormandy, France and Belgium - Visit the beaches of the D-Day invasion, the American Cemetary in Colleville, and the towns the paratrooper dropped into like Ste. Mère Eglise. While in France, I would visit Disneyland Paris. Also, I'd like to visit Bastogne to see where the Battle of the Bulge took place.

2. Disneyland in California - Gotta see where it all started.

3. Monomoy Island, MA and Montauk, NY - I like to fish for striped bass. At Monomoy Island, you can sight cast for striped bass in a t-shirt. And Montauk may be the most famous striped bass spot on the coast.

4. Bethlehem - Being a Christian, I''d like to take a trip to see the birthplace of Jesus.

Anyone else want to put up there list?

Who's been to the places I listed?