Quote Originally Posted by JPL View Post
Yes Disney should be responsible for doing something. Crowd control comes with the territory whether they like it or not. Unless of course the want the news story with the Headline " Boy Trambled to Death attempting to ride Toy Story Attraction at WDW" Because the longer the wait to control this the worse it will get and the fictional headline above will become a reality.
Jeff, I totally agree with this. In August we were at the front of the line for rope drop at DHS, and of course planned on heading to TSM right away. I just remember the sea of people behind us charging forward at the drop. I yelled to my husband to just take the kids, just take the kids, because suddenly all was so very out of control. He took them aside and I made my way to the new attraction and they met me there after I got the fastpasses. Nothing about this experience felt good, positive or controlled. As I parent I just immediately wanted my kids, especially my little one who couldn't hold his own, OUT OF THE WAY. There was no mercy from anyone, it was every man for himself. We decided then and there we wouldn't do that again.