Hi all!

For those having pumping trouble, hopefully it wil get better soon. I wasn't able to feed DS at all. DD took to breast feeding like she'd done it for months. But pumping was another story.

I had a really hard time getting more than an ounce or two at first. In the end, it took me several months to start getting enough to make it worth it. I had to go into a dark room, sit in a rocker with blankets and pillows, get the pump ready, put my DD's baby blanket over my face and take deep breaths and rock until I relaxed enough to almost doze off, then turn on the pump and sit until I "woke" up. At least I'd get 6 or 8 ounces at a time, but it was a very time consuming process for me. It got to the point where I could only pump if DH was home because DD was a very "high maintenence (sp?)" baby and had to be held almost 24/7 the first five months .

I just hope the next (hoped for) baby takes to it as easily as DD did and at least I have a system I can try for pumping from the very beginning.

Hope you get some relief soon Mommies!