For the last two years our family has gone to WDW for the XMAS vacation. We usually go the week before XMAS and leave a day or two before XMAS. This means we have to take the son out of school for a few days, but no big deal IMO, but big deal in the wife's. DW also complained that the crowds were too large and rough this last year and she got knocked around a bit.
So, she wants to try Thanksgiving week this year instead. At first I thought this would be a good compromise as we would not have to take the son out of school as he would already be out on holiday, but then I read some posts that said things like the Osborne Lights, MVMCP, and some of the lights would not happen until after Thanksgiving. This would put a big damper on things for me because the XMAS season and lights is why I like to go in Dec.
Can you all please give me some comments on the pros and cons of the following dates to help us choose for our next vacation?
Nov 21st in - 27th out

Dec 18th in 24th out (son misses 1 day of school)

Dec 17th in 23rd out (son misses 2 days of school)
