Sunday Dec 14
Cast still much the same
Plans include some epcot time & freedom for teenagers (or grown up time for grown ups depending on ones point of view)

While we weren't leaping out of bed too early we did make it to the bus fairly quickly.
While the rest of the group (including that Guy and Caroleh) went over to MS I hightailed it for soarin fastpasses. And a good thing too as every 15 minutes a half hour of them were used up.

I waited by the entrance to Nemo while they all took off for Mars. One thing I noted here was the issue of smoking not at designated spots..two smokers doesn't turn into a spot folks. if you know it isn't one don't add to it.

Well despite a 20 minute wait we made it on to Nemo in good time and followed that with an excellent showing of Crush (Hey has anyone figured out our predators yet?)
We also had time to do spaceship earth which was wonderful. We wandered back for Soarin (most of us did that is) and then my gang detoured to print the dreaded boarding passes.We all met up for lunch again at the Electric umbrella (where my guys were disapointed to note they no longer have a toppings bar). We did note a ton of birds in the outdoor seating by the way.

We headed back fairly early here to the resort to allow for some down time for the teenagers prior to the party. It also allowed us to explore a little more of the resort which was fun.
Despite a follow up being promised we were not contacted by our DVC guide which I found odd..not sure if that means we are to contact him or if we just let it go for a while.

The two teenagers plans for the night were now the MVMCP which was a blast for them. Aside from hitting I think every possible ride they just had fun with the freedom I suspect. They also enjoyed another boat ride back to the resort which is a fun way to travel with the VWL.

The grownups instead went to Epcot. We had dinner reservations at Nine Dragons (quite yummy and very good presentation..little wait and good service plus the magic card works there so it was quite nice)

We also then found a nice spot for illuminations and were surprised to be able to see wishes from it as well. Holiday extras had been added to it and it was very good. In good company as well!

The crowds by this point were thinning notably by the way. It was a breeze to get out and on to our bus after some last minute shopping and chatting with everyone.
The guys made it back even later then we did but seemed to have a great deal of fun.