What am I accepted to you ask?

Well some of you might know I was talking about the Disney College Program last month well I decided to go ahead and apply since it sounded like it would be a great experience. So about 4 weeks ago I did just that. Well this week I found out I had been accepted!

However there was a slight problem lol When I looked at the letter it had a role I didn't check off well I thought that was odd then I looked at the name on the letter and it wasn't me I probably did that as I did a double take lol then I called my recruiter who told me the accidentally mixed up the papers and had resent me my letter. Well yesterday I got the right letter and I have been accepted to Main Entrance Operations for Spring Advantage which is January to August! I check in on January 21st!

I am so excited I was accepted! It was such a nerve racking 4 weeks but it is so much better now!