Day 4: Our "Day Off"

Guess what? Awakened again, by the mysterious singing and music. This time, DH was awakened as well. What the..? He got up and looked out the window, to find a "High School Musical" float, coming down the middle of DCA. The park's not open yet, what's up with that?

After having such a great time at GKD, the previous night, we made a PS for Storyteller's character breakfast that morning. Had breakfast, then went to lounge by the pool for the afternoon. I was thrilled to find the pool area stocked with children's life jackets. Thanks, PPH! DS frolicked in the kiddie pool, and had a blast. DH and I wanted to take DS on the slide, but were told he could only go by himself. Since he's not even 2, there was no chance in that. The idea of a "slide to nowhere" was interesting, but nifty, since it propelled you down, like a water park slide.

DS and DH went down for their nap, while I went to World of Disney. I was trying to locate a costume for DS for Mickey's Trick or Treat Party. Everything I found, had a hood on it, which DS would not go for, so no luck there.
On a whim, I decided to get the scoop on DVC. I listened to the pitch, got the info. and would talk it over with DS.

We had a quick bite to eat, and were of to MTOTP. We were excited to see the characters, and go on the rides we had missed the day before. We assumed that since there are only a certain number of tickets for sale, that there would not be long lines for attractions etc. We assumed wrong! Upon entering DCA, we enjoyed the holiday decor. However, there was extremely loud music, blasting throughout the park. The park was, IMO, too crowded. The lines to the candy stations were insanely long, as were those for character photos. Some of the ride lines were long as well, except for TOT and Soarin'. Several attractions were closed. I felt there was an odd mix of children, wanting to trick or treat, and young adults, dressed fairly risque, for a family park, who were ready to party. It was just strange. We rode King Triton's Carousel, Monsters Inc. (again), DH did TOT, and I did Soarin'. We visited 2 of the candy stations. We recieved 4 pieces of candy, in total. We left, as there wasn't much else to do. DS was getting crabby and tired of just being wheeled around in the stroller. We were happy to be back at the hotel, and agreed that we should have nixed the party from our plans.