So, I think that i'm probably going to be flamed for this, or called insensitive, but i've just got to bring this up.

I know that most of the cast members have usually at least two things that they are trained to do, like working a ride and a show for example. There are, however, certain jobs that require a bit more....talent....than other jobs. My example would be the Magic of Animation attraction. I had never done this until last April when my DW and I spent four days at WDW for our anniversary. The guy who "hosted" it was very good. He interacted with Mushu very well. Said his lines clearly, with feeling, at the proper times. It was fun. So, when we were at WDW last week with the kids, we took them to it. The CM who was "hosting" the attraction had some physical limitations which really affected the show. Mainly, she couldn't speak clearly. Afterwards I heard someone talking saying that it looked like maybe she had survived a stroke. I don't know...maybe. But she was hard to understand. Her lines were delivered with awkward pauses (timing was off), and without hardly any "feeling". She was basically repeating the lines she had learned, but if I hadn't seen the show before, I wouldn't have had any clue what she was talking about. Her words kind of slurred together. I don't think that my kids (ages 11 and 8) got any of her dialogue.

Now, I am not against Disney employing anyone with disabilities, but when you have an attraction like this one that requires interaction and a lot of speaking and timing, there had to be a better choice for someone to run this show. I suppose she just could have been a fill in, and she's not a regular. Disney is usually all about the show, so it surprised me when she started the program and we couldn't understand her.

So, I guess my question is, when someone is hired and assigned job duties, what kind of screening goes into this? Was she assigned this duty, knowing what her limitations are? Can you ask for particular attractions? Maybe she has a passion for this and requested to be a part of it?