Well, it was inevitable. I knew it was coming. Long story short. I pulled my son from his private school this year, he was going into 3rd grade. I felt he was not getting what he needed to nurture his development. He is very bright, a straight A student. I looked at other schools, private and public. I looked into cyber school and decided after much research and thought it was the way to go. I am simply amazed at the cirriculum (sp?) and support system in place to make this sucessful. Well, today we went up to see some of my sons friends at school dismissal time. One mother approached my son and asked why he was not in school. He told her, she walked over to me and started in on how my choice was basically a terrible one. How lonely I will be at home all day, how unsocialized my son will become and how great the school year has been for her daughter so far. I was speechless. The only thing I could say was there are some parents that can do it and some who can't. I walked away and just cried all the way home. It has been such a hard decision to pull him, but honestly the school was holding him back, the teaching was outdated and the cirriculum was behind our public school system.

Please send me some kind words of wisdom to get through this. I know its the right choice for all of us. I just don't know why some people can be so uneducated as to judge my parenting without even understanding or wanting to hear about our new school,

HELP! For those of you that homeschool or cyber school I need some kind words.