Quote Originally Posted by Kisobel View Post
i'm not sure what i'm doing today. my back is still iffy.

Here's hoping your back gets mended..... I might need you for a special project later.
Quote Originally Posted by MMouse6937 View Post
Morning all, I'm so exhausted this morning. We were up late trying to get Mike packed up and ready to go. Then this morning our computer system at work went down so I was on the phone with them for 45 minutes trying to make that work again. I started crying because that was just my limit. I have so much to do and now it's just me to take care of it. I'm supposed to go to some meeting tonight about a new medical product my boss wants to look into and I don't know how I'm going to make it. I guess I'll just put one foot in front of the other. I feel like I'm going to lose it, but then who would take care of everything?

So sorry I'm not very cheery today. I think I'll bow out of JQ for a little while until I have something good or positive to say. Thanks for listening, I'll check back in a few days to you all!
Sarah.... I hope you get through this hectic time in your life. Call me if you need to talk. I have a way of making people smile, remember ????
Quote Originally Posted by MsMin View Post
Beep.. Beep... Beep.... know what that sound is???
The truck is backing up with lovely sand bag sand.... Everyone around here is starting to freak w/ Gustav..... Can you believe every hotel on higher land is already booked throughout the state?
Post trauma anxiety takes years to settle and everything flairs up again w/ a storm brewing so tensions are high here. Our Gov. already posted the storm warnings b/c we are at the center of the forecast and this one looks like it could easily get to a cat 4 before landfall. Levee's are not ready for a test yet--hoping they could even take a cat 2.
I worry most for Bret b/c he is in the lowest area. He has been real sick too. Please think of him and Sherrie, keep them in your prayers.
My house is almost on a mountain.... a whooping 20 feet above sea level.... Really just have to worry about falling trees and tornadoes here. I guess we will be having company real soon.
Everything is already saturated from Fay and the low pressure we had before that.
Going out to buy batteries....
Anyone have a spare generator?
I have a spare generator you can use.... and lots of prayers and for you and everyone in that region. Are you planning on riding it out ?? I think if I were you, I'd head a little farther north and either east or west.
Quote Originally Posted by Tink&Goofy View Post
I don't think the people who have the room next were expecting company.
Don't you think they'd like a little surprise ???
Quote Originally Posted by Caroleh View Post
Beth, we could always have Pogo blow, that might help!!!