Quote Originally Posted by tinkerbellybutton View Post
I'll help in the mess hall, and I rock at crafts...ummm except when I glue my fingers together
I'll save you a marg if I can have some cake.
Bring on the initia.. ooops, orientation.
Can I have a snowball? Do you have strawberry?
One strawberry snowball coming up. Want me to spice that up for you? I love Tiger Blood (sounds gross) but yummy, it's a strawberry coconut blend. Hmm maybe we should make some Disney flavors. Mickey sounds like a blueberry strawberry blend.
Quote Originally Posted by Marilyn Michetti View Post
How about burned smores and taquila?

I'll head up crafts. Start saving the popsicle sticks - we're going to build our own theme park.

Oh, let's not forget to make mask's out of paper sacks. (Big one for me) ((Pogo's innocent)).
Marilyn, welcome from Beth I have some Popsicle sticks for you and they are already half dyed and kind of sticky. Can I build POC? I can make it look like DL w/ the N.O. theme. Do I have to make it look like WDW? I got some dreads to make this stick look like Johnny Depp. Oh wait wait.... I made this one a POGO STICK He's in the long line...
Yum burnt smores, my favorite and a new snowball flavor, can anyone help me squeeze some smores into this bottle??? Let's add the tequila to make it easier to pour.
Marilyn, I thought of you the other day. I helped my dd w/ Kennels at the vet's and there was a dog named Bentley except it wasn't a Bassett he is a Shiz tzu.

So Ken you live by the beach? Is that an invitation? The thing that makes me jealous is snow.

So if getting there is half the fun. What does it mean if we turn around when we are half way there?