I have sad news to report:
(Repeated from our band site)
Today at about 2:30 pm, I recieved the call that our bassist's Father passed away. We have been posting information and updates concerning him being in the hospital... When Chad called today he didn't have a whole lot of information, and rightly so, but he was at home and preparing to get some of his things to go stay with his Mother for a while to help support each other.

He did say at least they had had time to prepare somewhat and make peace with what they knew was going to happen, but as someone who works in the mental health field and has lost both of his parents, I know that even though you try to tell yourself you are ready for something like this to happen, it is still devastating once it finally does. He sounded in fair spirits, and all we can do as his friends, bandmates and "brothers" is to be there for him right now.

He wasn't sure when services would be held, but promised to contact us when he had any information. We in the band send our love, prayers, thoughts and support for the entire Montgomery family right now as they mourn this loss and prepare to move forward in life with "an empty chair at the head of the table". Depending on the date and time of the service we will also be there to lend support and comfort where we can in person.

Chad has said that he will post a message here soon thanking those of you who have sent messages and well wishes. Until then, on his behalf I wanted everyone to know that he was deeply touched by the messages I passed on to him from here and other message boards we post at. Thank You all...

(posted by John)
The call came about 6:30. An old old friend of mine who played with me in the band "OFF LYMITZ" back in the 80's was in town, and he and his son had come over with guitars in tow for a little jam session. We called my brother, who was our on-again/off-again drummer back then (and now has his own band as well) so it felt like a "reunion" of sorts, with an 18 year old sitting in with us. It was fun going back in time and running through things, and my friend JT had asked (as we were packing things up) how the Bunkie show where I had to cover for our bassist had gone and how was he doing (during his last visit the guys in the band asked him to come sit in at our rehearsal), and ironically that was right when my phone rang.
Again I ask that y'all please keep the entire Montgomery family in your prayers right now.