Hey everyone! I just got back from my first visit to DLR last week. I had a pretty magical time, and I though tI would share the sotry.

My girlfriend of 2 years, Christina, and I had booked a vacation to California quite a while back. We knew we wanted to do something extra fun this year and go do something we have never done before. Both of us, especially Christina, are pretty big fans of Disney and the Disney parks, so visiting Disneyland for the first time was a no brainer. We also decided to visit Universal Studios Hollywood and the San Diego Zoo while in California. We booked the trip, forked over the money, and were all set for a very busy and exciting vacation.

Now, let’s rewind about a year. In early 2007 Christina and I took vacation to Disney World in Florida. I had been there before, but she hadn’t. I knew I had to take her there knowing how much she loved Disney. The trip was fantastic, and I loved seeing how happy she was the entire time we were there. She was always smiling, always in awe of the sights and sounds of Disney World. It was at that moment that I knew for sure that I wanted to marry her some day, and that I knew just how I would propose when the time came.

Fast forward back to the current time, about two months before the trip was to happen I knew it was time. I went and had dinner with my parents and sister, and told them my intentions. I was very happy to hear my mom exclaim “It’s about time!” as she gave me a big hug, while my little sister had tears of joy in her eyes because she was so happy. That same week, I went a bought the ring. The perfect ring. I knew it was right from the moment I saw it, because I kept going back to it even after looking at several others. I took it home and stared at it for quite a while. This was it. This was really going to happen now. But I had one more thing I wanted to do first.

I met up with Christina’s parents and sister a few weeks before the trip. I wanted to explain my intentions to them and get their blessing. Her family is so great and I love them a lot, so I wanted to do right by them. I was so nervous that day. I was shaking so bad as I was talking to them. But all was soon well, as they were all just as happy as my family, and immediately welcomed me to the family. So, things were all set. Now, I just had to wait for the right moment…when we got to Disneyland.
The time finally came for our vacation, and we made it to California. On Sunday, May 4th we strolled into Disneyland for the first time. We spent the morning taking in the sites and hopping on some rides. The whole time I was carrying around her engagement ring in my wallet, constantly reaching back to make sure it was still there. I was so nervous all morning.

I already knew exactly how I wanted it to happen. I wanted it to be right in front of the castle. Shortly before it was time for lunch, Christina said “We should go grand a Disney Photographer and get our picture taken in front of the castle!” I agreed, knowing that this was it. It was time.

The photographer took us to a side of the castle where there was less traffic and a very pretty view behind us. We snapped the first picture. I then turned to Christina and asked her if she was happy. She said “yes.”
“Good,” I said, “Because I want to make you this happy for the rest of your life.”

She stared at me kind of blankly and said “What?”

I got down on my knee and pulled out the ring. Immediately her hands went over her mouth as she said “Oh my GOD!”

She began crying out of joy, and it took her a minute to respond. But soon, she exclaimed “Yes yes yes!” The whole time, the Disney photographer was snapping pictures. I stood up, put the ring on her finger, and gave my new fiancé a kiss as she cried and shook out of excitement. It was so amazing feeling. The best moment of my life, hands down.

It felt good knowing how happy she was about the whole thing. She spent the rest of the week staring at the ring on her finger with the biggest smile on her face.
We don’t have anything set in stone yet, but it’s looking like we’ll be having the wedding sometime next spring. And I couldn’t be more excited! I’m so happy knowing that I am going to spend the rest of my life with the woman I love more than anything. My perfect match.

I feel like the luckiest guy in the world. That may sound a bit cliché, but it’s the truth.

If any of you would like to see the pictures the Disney Photog snapped of the proposal, you can find them at our Disney Photo Pass page! And yes, we ordered the CD!