I had to share this because I do believe it is one of the weirdest things that I have ever heard. Sorry if this is long but I am hoping someone can shed some light on this.
I live in a city and have a car that I park in a "parking permit area" It's about a 7 block area that I am allowed to park my car in for endless ammounts of time for a yearly fee. I usually use my car about once a week since I work in the city as well.
I parked my car in a typical spot about a week and half ago. There were no signs posted anywhere regarding construction or temporary no stopping. I went to use my car yesterday only to find out that it was gone.
I searched the area for awhile with no luck. I ended up called the parking authority to see if the car had been towed. There is no record of it being towed however, she told me that I have about 4 parking tickets within the last week. I asked her when and where they were issued for so that I could maybe locate my car. They were all in the last week or so for a location way out of my area. I pretty much ran to this exact location and found my car parked right there. It had no signs of being broken into...no damage, nothing was missing or altered. But it was parked pretty far away in a not so great area. I was issued multiple tickets for this because it was simply parked at a meter on the street.
So...I am obviously going to fight these tickets (they apparently total around $400!) My question is...does anyone know how this could have happened??? Does anyone have any ideas to help prove that I did not move my car??? I know this is a tough one but if anyone has had a similar experience...I welcome any advice. Thank you for letting me share.