I do not think it is right for the kids to be taken away. I think instead of spending the money on caring for them in the system should be spent getting the help the parents & children need. Dieticians, trainer, proper food & parent training. Do I agree with the childrens weight & the parents handling of it no I don't.

As for the social workers I don't think of them as bad. A lot of the time their hands are tied & they are doing what they are suppose to do, not what they necessarily agree with. Someone determined this was the case. England isn't the only place this has happened. It has happened in the US too. In New Mexico a 3yo that weighed 120lbs was taken away from her home.

I have to agree with the others though If healthy food was more affordable then the junk food there wouldn't be quite as big obesity problem. When it is cheaper to buy high fat & high salt food cheaper then a healthy meal what do you think is going to win?

Children do get it from other places. We are constantly battling to keep my dd8 from the food. I pack her lunch & she doesn't get money to buy "extras" However she can get them. They have a tray in the cafeteria for food that you don't want can go there & anyone can help themselves. She also gets food when she is seeing the counselor at school. She has already had lunch but the only time the counselor has time is during the counselors lunchtime. She doesn't want to eat in front of dd so she shares her lunch with her. Of course dd thinks this is great so all the effort that we think we are making in changing her eating habits are going out the window. Its even worse if she sees her grandparents. BTW dd is in the 95th percentile for height. She is overweight her doctor says as long as she is happy & she is following her curve then let her be. Same with ds#1. This is what they say to our face. I got a copy of ds#1's last well child visit and it wasn't nicely stated as what they say to us. It makes it sound like we are ignoring everything they tell us & offer us, not that what they say to me. The only time they even mentioned they were concerned was ds#1 all of a sudden jumped then the dr was concerned because of the weight issues that run in the family for generations - not just dh & I. Yet all he said was just watch it. He use to be a kid that was underweight.

To sum it all up they need to look into more why instead of just taking the kids out & causing more emotional problems. The parents didn't think it was an issue because they were overweight plus who knows what the doctors & other people have been telling them. As long as they are happy there is no concern as my dr says. Trust me we believed this for years.