I work as a receptionist at a credit Union.

There is a secretary who's desk is within sight of my desk.
She works for a different company than mine.

She keeps a small bowl of candy on her desk.

There are times when the "public" from my Credit Union has to pass her desk to use the facilities. I have noticed that many of these people will stop at her desk when she is not there and help themselves to her candy. Some of them take a handful!

I find this totally rude for a few reasons
1) they are not customers of her's
2) she is not at her desk
3) they take a handful
4) they look around to see if any one is watching before taking.
5) there is no indication that it is for the general public.I have things on my desk that I would not expect people to help themselves to!

P.S. She buys the candy herself it is not supplied by her company.

Am I wrong to think they should not be helping themselves??
What do you think???