I would suggest getting in touch with FairyTale Weddings and get yourself a wedding coordinator ASAP. You should decide on a date now and try to get on the list. If there are a number of poeple with the same location/time, there is a lottery for who gets it.

I would also send out a Save The Date letter now to those you want to invite. It will give people an opportunity to plan for your wedding. We were able to get about 40 people to our wedding and I really think it was mostly possible due to us giving as much notice as possible. People will plan on it being a vacation and a year and 1/2 notice is nice. Maybe people will put off a trip this year so they can go next.

Get your arrangements done now as well, I know I am unwilling to get my travel arrangements done until I know the people I'm going to see have theres done. I was burned once, won't happen again. In your Save The Date you should give an idea of where you are staying, and when you will be there. Just to give that peace of mind to folks that you WILL be there.

We also invited everyone to our rehersal dinner AND had a thank you dinner as well. Just a nice little touch to thank people and keep them involved.

Just a couple suggestions, I can send you my Save The Date if you want. It'll take a bit to dig up though...

Finally, start saving! A Disney wedding can be pretty expensive!