I'm excited to see James and Yau Man again but I think the new "big guy" will give them a run for their money. It was almost like it was fixed the way the new guys beat the favorites tonight. Way too easy! DH and I couldn't figure out if Jonny was playing everyone and thinking that if he used the "poor me" physcology that everyone would keep him but thank goodness that didn't work! But after hearing his comments afterwards, I wonder if he just did the show to get the public opinion of him to change and planned it this way all along. I told DH I couldn't imagine why anyone would want to be his girlfriend in the first place and wonder if that was another "Grandma" story. Even Jeff didn't act like he believed him. It really seems to tick Jeff off when someone quits, especially after they have spent all that money bringing them on the show. I see some potential on the Fan side but I can see some going home real quick. This may end up being an interesting season. I just hope it is better than the last one was.