Okay, so DBF and I broke up about a month ago. It's been over for awhile and ashamed to say that I have a crush on another guy. I have for years, but never need anything because of DBF. So, my friend went out with my crush once and he never called her again.

So, it's been a couple years since they first dated and she knows I'm really into him. We ran into him after a meeting one night when he was on his way into work and we all started talking. They were talking about his number and to make sure it was still the same as it was. Well, he left and I sent him a text so he would have my number. And he text me back. Fine and dandy, whatever.

A couple days later, my so called friend and I go bowling. Well, she got a little drunk and started texting my crush (mind you, she's kind of seeing someone right now). I don't know how many times she ended up texting him, but the next day I wrote to him and apologized even though I had nothing to do with it. Well, he never wrote me back.

So I let a couple days go by and I text him to see what was going on. Here it is, three days later, and still no reply. I'm really hoping that he doesn't thing I'm loud and obnoxious like she is and that my personality is somewhat close to hers. She refuses to tell me what she put in those texts.

If she had such a problem me liking him, why couldn't she have told me and be honest with me instead of ruining anythign he and I could have had together. It just doesn't make any sense. So here I sit, miserable as anything all because she ruined something that could have been wonderful.

So we went to a demonstration last night and I did nothing but give her the cold shoulder. I really need to get up the nerve and tell her that I was really hurt by what she did. I have to let it out soon or I'm going to explode.

Sorry, just needed a place to vent. Feel free to leave some advise or encouraging words. I could use some right about now.