Quote Originally Posted by TheDuckRocks View Post
This is going to be sort of off topic, but I was at the mall Christmas shopping today and talked to a young woman with a little one in a Kidkart and I have a question.
How in the world could anyone much less a WDW CM bus driver not be able to see the difference between a Kidkart for a special needs child and a regular stroller?
Kyle, I know you said you all had blankets on it but unless you had a very different model than what I saw today there should be no question but that these are built for a very special purpose.
He did have it loaded with blankets when I saw it and it was still obvious. It looks nothing like a stroller, at least not to me!

I think it's just a matter of training. I would bet that more than once someone with a stroller has tried to get special treatment, like having kids is some sort of special need in and of itself , and the driver may have been reacting to that. That's why there does need to be a "heads up" that these things do exist. I'll bet a lot of money that the driver was just reacting to past situations .... and of course that is a problem for all special needs families. Gosh, with pregnant women now demanding handicap spots in many states, and other silly things, it makes it all the harder for those truly in need to just get simple accomodation. It frustrates people to the point where they do not want to reasonably accomodate our youngsters.