Quote Originally Posted by crazeedizneefinatic View Post
I am in no way judging you or your wife but I had to wonder why someone sitting next to you at a CS restaurant bothered you? Did they want to start a conversation and interrupt your meal, did they evesdrop on your private conversation? Past bad experience? WDW seems such a crowded place to visit for someone that is uncomfortable with tight crowds. Do you or your wife feel the same way standing in crowded lines and que areas for the rides?
Let me try to answer your questions....

On this past trip for example, the first offense (yes, I look at it as an offense) took place at the Fish & Chip's CS (Can't recall the name) outside of the Rose & Crown. The tables are round so we had to sit there looking right at them, and hearing their chatter while we were trying to enjoy our meal. Those two things alone would probably bother just about anybody. Not to mention that it is just rude to invite oneself to join you at meal time. Even though they ask, I still view it as inviting themselves.

As far as evesdropping on our private conversation, the fact that they were there basically forced us to limit our conversations because we didn't want them to listen in. It made us feel rushed to finish and leave.

As for past experiences....Yes, this has also happened on past trips. Didn't like it then either.

Ride queue's....my wife and I seldom get on the rides. She gets motion sickness. However, we aren't old fuddie duddies either (40's). We mainly get on slow rides such as Haunted Mansion, etc. The queue's don't bother us. We know there are line and we expect that. Lines are normal. People wanting to join you for breakfast, lunch, or dinner isn't. IMHO

I guess one thing that urk's me (for a lack of a better expression) is what I view to be a growing sense of "Entitlement" that a lot of people in todays society have. It "seems" that more and more people nowdays have no regard for other people and their space. I don't mean to come out cynical. I really am a very positive person. I just wish that manners and politeness would come back in style.

By the way...we were eating at a CS restaurant during our last visit and saw a father and daughter waiting for a table. We told them that they could sit with us, and they did.

Itry to be polite and show manners. I just don't think it is right for people to impose.

Whew...didn't mean to be so long winded.

By the way....I love reading everyone's comments. Very interesting.