Howdy all,

Well, my special needs twin has ADHD, which is very common with his particular disability (hydrocephalus and chiari malformation + spina bifida), and we now have him on a special diet. It's pretty resitrictive and now I am going through the menus and wincing. We have to keep him off of (or very low) on the following things:

all diary
no yellow fruits or veggies (bananas are white)
no junk food
no fruit juice
No artificial sweeteners
no food coloring

I'll do anything to keep from drugging him, and this is working very well (he actually stayed in his seat yesterday and listened to his first grade teacher!), and it is easy at home because I cook and don't use many preprocessed foods, but the meal options at WDW are pretty awful from the standpoint of my above list. I know WDW is accomodating, but given that we are on the DDP is the above even possible? I guess I should just call and find out. But does anyone else have experience with this? It's a high carb (complex carbs) and high protein diet, btw. Plus he has a small cup of coffee in the morning and it focuses him like you wouldn't believe.