Well, we have four hours until our flight and now I'm sick. I've been taking airborne for a couple of days and I think it has helped some. If I hadn't taken any I'm sure I would be a lot worse. I just feel achy and slightly stuffed up. DH is feeling better, still not 100% but he's on the road to recovery. I'm not sure about DD. It's so hard to tell at this age what they're feeling. I think she may be coming down with it too though because she fell right to sleep at nap time today which she hardly ever does. Her eyes are also a little red. She doesn't have a fever (thank goodness!!) and she does seem to be in good spirits...so we'll see. I'm taking baby tylenol on the plane with us just in case. I'd feel so bad if we got down there and she was sick...please send us some pixie dust for a safe and healthy trip!! Thank you for all the advice!!!