Quote Originally Posted by Mickey91 View Post
You are the one pulling it off topic. It was totally unfair and completely immoral to twist CanadianWDWfan's words around the way you did.

Finding a table for your family is good common sense. I have two kids. They are now preteen and teenage. I can honestly say that I don't know which would be worse. Standing in a much too congested line with them when they were 2 and 5 or standing in line with them now. I can tell you that though they may not realize it, those around me are much happier that my kids are at a table somewhere. I love my kids and they are better behaved than some I have met, but they are kids. They bicker and fight and whine even at Disney and especially in line. I am sure that many a tray of food has been saved by parents taking their kids to a table.

I cannot believe that this has become such a heated topic and morality is in question over a table. Moderator, maybe this one needs to close. With DisneyRox and Rodders attacking people with different views, it isn't a happy discussion.
I didn't attack anyone with different views. I offered my point of view and welcomed other points of view to increase my own knowledge and understanding. I did however take offence to the implication that I don't have common sense because I try to be courteous.

If you could point out to me where I have attacked someone because of a different view then I will gladly hold my hand up and apologise personally to that person. I don't wish to offend anyone and If I have then I would like to make amens for my transgression.

I can now see many points of view on the matter so the thread has achieved it's objectives. Some people need to take a table early which is fine. Some people feel that they have paid for it so they should be able to chill and take their time, previously this would have irritated me but now that I have discussed the matter I can understand why they think that this is fine. I now have greater empathy and greater knowledge which to me proves that the thread has been valuable.