I start calliing at 6:55am this am..the 407-WDW-PLAY number.. I get thru promptly as my clock flips to 7am! Yea! A CM answers! Thank you for calling Disney Dining she says! I quickly speak our illuminations cruise request..She seems baffled..she pauses, she puts me on hold...she doesn't come back, then when she does she has to transfer me, after she slowly speaks..I'll get you to the right dept..but how about dining, or Cirque de Solei??? GRRRRR..I ask to please just be transferred.. ...then I wait, I wait, I wait...I get Disney recreation, finally and the cruises are SOLD OUT. I could scream. They explained a "glitch" in their phone lines...Swell. The best layed plans, right? There goes that terrific ending to a great day..(We are diving first, then eating at coral Reef)...I'm trying to be mature, and go with the flow..but I'm sad..and mad too!!!